
One hundredth is one part of a whole or a group that is broken up into 100 equal parts. One hundredth can be written in fractional form as or in decimal form as 0.01. Below is a visual representation of a hundredth.

The single green square in the above 10 by 10 array is a representation of one hundredth because it is 1 of 100 squares.


Given 300 objects, how many objects would need to be in each of the squares of a 10 by 10 array for the single green square to represent a hundredth?

There needs to be an equal number of objects in each of the 100 squares, so divide 300 by 100 to find the number of objects in each square:

300 ÷ 100 = 3

Thus, each square would need to have 3 objects each for the green square to represent a hundredth. To confirm this, write the number of objects in each square out of the total number of objects:

Hundredths place

The most widely used numeral system today is the decimal numeral system, which is based on place values. In the International System of Units, the hundredths place can be indicated using the "centi-" prefix, as in "centimeter," where a centimeter is one hundredth of a meter. The hundredths place is between the tenths place and the thousandths place, as shown in the place value chart below. Relative to the decimal point, the hundredths place is the 2nd digit to the right of the decimal point.

The hundredths place is shown in blue, along with the surrounding place values. The value of any digit that is in the hundredths place is equal to the product of the digit and 1/100, or 0.01. For example, in the number 5.62, the digit in the hundredths place is the 2, and its value is 0.01 × 2 = 0.02, or 2/100.

Hundredth as an ordinal number

The term hundredth is also used to describe the ordinal number between ninety-ninth (99th) and one hundred and first (101st). Hundredth, as an ordinal number, is written as "100th." An ordinal number is a number that is used to indicate some order or position. For example, if a person places 100th in a race, that means that 99 people crossed the finish line before them; the 99th person finished before them, and the 101st person finished after them.