Seconds to hours
There are 60 seconds in a minute, and 60 minutes in 1 hour. Therefore, there are 3600 seconds in 1 hour:
Seconds to hours conversion
Use the converter provided below to convert between seconds and hours.
How to convert seconds to hours
To convert from seconds to hours, divide the number of seconds by 3600; this works for converting seconds to decimal hours. To convert from hours to seconds, multiply a time in hours by 3600 instead.
1. Convert 44235 seconds to hours:
44235 seconds ÷ 3600 = 12.2875 hours
2. Convert 24 hours to seconds:
24 × 3600 = 86,400 seconds
Seconds to hours, minutes, seconds
Instead of converting seconds to decimal hours, we can convert to hours, minutes, and seconds. To convert seconds to hours, minutes, and seconds, use the following steps:
- Divide the number of seconds by 3600. Any whole number value is the number of hours. If the quotient is an integer, the number of seconds is equal to a whole number of hours. Otherwise, the decimal value is made up of minutes and seconds or just seconds.
- Multiply the decimal portion of the quotient by 60. The number of minutes is the whole number portion of the product. If the product is a decimal number, the remaining time is not a full minute.
- Multiply any remaining decimal value from step 2 by 60 to find the number of seconds.
- The results from step 1, 2, and 3 are the hours, minutes, and seconds respectively.
Convert 3615 seconds to hours, minutes, and seconds.
1. First, divide by 3600:
The whole number portion is 1, so there is 1 hour in 3615 seconds.
2. Next, multiply the decimal portion of the quotient in step 1 by 60:
Since the product does not contain a whole number portion, the remaining time does not form a whole minute, and we convert the remaining decimal number to seconds.
3. Multiply the remaining decimal number by 60:
Thus, there are 15 seconds. Putting the hours, minutes, and seconds together, there are
in 3615 seconds.
Seconds to hours conversion table
Seconds | Hours | Hr, min, sec |
1 | 0.000278 | 0, 0, 1 |
5 | 0.00139 | 0, 0, 5 |
20 | 0.00556 | 0, 0, 20 |
100 | 0.0278 | 0, 1, 40 |
300 | 0.0833 | 0, 5, 0 |
500 | 0.139 | 0, 8, 20 |
3,600 | 1 | 1, 0, 0 |
5,000 | 1.389 | 1, 23, 20 |
8,000 | 2.222 | 2, 13, 20 |
10,000 | 2.778 | 2, 46, 40 |
20,000 | 5.556 | 5, 33, 20 |
50,000 | 13.89 | 13, 53, 20 |
86,400 | 24 | 24, 0, 0 |
90,000 | 25 | 25, 0, 0 |
100,000 | 27.78 | 27, 46, 40 |
What is a second
A second (s or sec) is the base unit of time in the International System of Units. It is used as a measurement of time all over the world. The second has had a few different definitions throughout history. Originally, it was defined as 1/86400 of a day. Since then, it has been re-defined twice more based on the transition frequency of cesium.
What is an hour
An hour (h or hr) is a unit of time that is defined as 1/24 of a day or 3600 seconds. The definition of the hour has changed throughout history. At one point an hour was divided into 1/12 of a period of daylight or darkness. The cycle of a day being divided into 24 periods (hours) is believed to have originated with the ancient Egyptians. The hour is used as a measurement of time throughout the world. One everyday example is the number of hours a person is expected to work in a day.
Seconds on a clock
An analog clock typically has three hands. The shortest hand, and the hand that moves slowest, is the hour hand. The minute hand and the second hand are typically similar in length. Generally, the second hand has less width than the minute hand, and it moves every second, so they are easy to distinguish. The second hand may also often be a different color than the minute and hour hand, which tend to be the same color or design. Below is a figure of an analog clock.

The second hand in the clock is shown in red. To learn more about how to read an analog clock, refer to the time page.