Liters in a gallon
There are 3.785411784 liters (L) in a US gallon (gal), and 4.54609 liters in an imperial gallon. A liter is a metric measurement of volume. It is not a unit of the International System of Units (SI), but is accepted for use within SI. A gallon is a measurement of volume in the US customary and imperial systems of measurement.
Gallons (and their related units) are primarily used in the United States, the United Kingdom, and their territories. Most other countries use liters for measurements of volume and capacity that the US or UK may use gallons for.
Gallon to liter conversion
The following converter can be used to convert from liters to gallons or gallons to liters. Just enter a value in either liters or gallons to convert between the two. Specify whether you would like the conversion to be done based on imperial or US gallons.
How many liters in a gallon
There are 3.785411784 liters in 1 US gallon and 4.54609 liters in an imperial gallon.
How many gallons in a liter
There are 0.26417205236 US gallons in 1 liter and 0.21996924830 imperial gallons in 1 liter.
How to convert gallons to liters
To convert between gallons and liters, multiply or divide by the appropriate conversion factor, as shown below.
Gallons to liters formula
The formula to convert gallons to liters is:
US gallons
Imperial gallons
Liter to gallon formula
The formula to convert liters to gallons is:
US gallons
Imperial gallons
Below are some gallon to liter and liters to gallons conversion examples.
1. Convert 20 liters to US and imperial gallons:
20 L ÷ 3.785411784 ≈ 5.283 US gallons
20 L ÷ 4.54609 ≈ 4.399 imperial gallons
2. Convert 12 US and imperial gallons to liters:
12 US gallons × 3.785411784 ≈ 45.425 L
12 imperial gallons × 4.54609 ≈ 54.553 L
What is a gallon
A gallon is a measurement of volume in the US customary and imperial systems of measurement. In each system, the gallon has a different definition; within each system however, the gallon maintains the same relationships between units of measurement since both systems use the same units (pint, cup, quart, etc.). The table below shows some relationships between liquid measures of volume in both the imperial and US customary systems:
1 cup | ½ pint | ¼ quart | |
1 pint | 2 cups | ½ quart | ⅛ gallon |
1 quart | 4 cups | 2 pints | ¼ gallon |
1 gallon | 4 quarts | 8 pints | 16 cups |
Gallon definition
There are a few different definitions of the gallon. In the US customary system, there are both liquid gallons and dry gallons. In the imperial system, there is only a liquid gallon.
US gallon
The US customary gallon is a liquid gallon defined as exactly 3.785411784 liters.
Imperial gallon
The imperial customary gallon is a liquid gallon defined as exactly 4.54609 liters.
Dry gallon
The dry gallon is a US customary measurement of dry volume that is defined as exactly 4.40488377086 liters.
Gallon usage
The US gallon is mostly used in the United States and some countries in Latin America and South America. It is commonly used to measure gasoline and liquid products such as milk.
The imperial gallon is mostly used in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, some Latin and South American countries, and in the Caribbean. Outside of these countries and regions, liters are more typically used in place of gallons.
What is a liter
A liter is a metric unit of volume. Although it is not a unit in the International System of Units (SI), it is accepted for use in the SI. In the original metric system developed by the French, the liter was a base unit. The liter was also used in a few other versions of the metric system before the SI was adopted as the international standard.
Liter definition
A liter is defined as 1 cubic decimeter (dm3). 1 cubic meter (m3), the SI unit of volume, is equal to 1000 liters.
Liter usage
As a metric unit of volume that is accepted for use in the International System of Units, the liter and its submultiple, the milliliter, are commonly used throughout the world. One of the most common uses of the liter is for the measurement of volume of consumer beverages such as bottles of water, soda, and more.
Gallon to liter conversion table
Below are two tables: a US gallon to liter conversion table and an imperial gallon to liter conversion table.
US gallon to liter
Gallon (gal) | Liter (L) |
0.01 | 0.0378541178 |
0.1 | 0.3785411784 |
1 | 3.785411784 |
2 | 7.570823568 |
3 | 11.356235352 |
5 | 18.92705892 |
10 | 37.85411784 |
20 | 75.70823568 |
50 | 189.2705892 |
100 | 378.5411784 |
1000 | 3785.411784 |
Imperial gallon to liter
Gallon (gal) | Liter (L) |
0.01 | 0.0454609 |
0.1 | 0.454609 |
1 | 4.54609 |
2 | 9.09218 |
3 | 13.6383 |
5 | 22.7304 |
10 | 45.4609 |
20 | 90.9218 |
50 | 227.304 |
100 | 454.609 |
1000 | 4546.09 |